29 December 2013
Top 5 posts on PracticalInfoSec - 2013

Yet another year goes by in the infosec world. This is probably my first year of regular blogging. By regular, I mean at least one post a month (as opposed to the promised one post a fortnight!) Rather than think of anything new at this time of the year, I thought of going with the flow and posting a top 5 list (going against my cardinal rule, of course!). So, here is a list of the top 5 most read posts from my blog:
Simplifying key definitions in ISO 22301
That fact that this is in the top 5 list shows that the confusion around definitions still remain! It is time for those writing the standards to really stop, think and clarify the definitions of terms they use in the standards they write.
Free Information Security Posters
I think this was the most searched content (from the Internet, not from subscribers), but I am not happy with the content here. If you came here looking for good posters of info-sec, you would probably have gone looking somewhere else after taking one look at the posters here. I am working on some posters which I will publish here, but I am an infosec guy, not an artist (sadly). Any artists who want to help me out?
The new ISO 27001
This post was written in the weird kind of excitement a consultant happens to get when there is a new standard released. This was a post of my first impressions of the new ISO 27001. I have promised to write a more detailed comparison, but never got round to doing it. This year might start off with the detailed comparison, but come on, reading and comparing ISO standards is boring!!
Difference between DR and BCP and other stories
I wrote this post after one of my many meetings where I had to explain the difference between BCP and DR for the umpteenth time. Apparently many people had this confusion and it has become one of my most read posts for this year!
ISO 22301. How different is it from BS 25999
This was the first of a series of 4 posts comparing ISO 22301 with BS25999. There are no logical breaks to the 4 posts. Each one represents the point where I got bored of comparing and decided to stop reading and writing for a while! There, the cat is out of the bag now!
Wish all of you a Happy New Year! and Happy Reading!!